Key to the city dragon age origins
Key to the city dragon age origins

key to the city dragon age origins

Key aspects of the game have been reworked, simplified or streamlined.Ĭonversational options are now contained in a wheel format as in "Mass Effect," though the range of responses is more varied than that game's Renegade and Paragon choices, and icons suggest hint at Hawke's words will be - arrogant, humorous, threatening, conciliatory, whatever. "Dragon Age II" takes many cues from the "Mass Effect" games, particularly the second one. "Dragon Age II," like the first, is a big game with lots to do, despite its more focused setting. First, there's a debt to work off, an expedition into the dangerous Deep Roads to undergo, companions to recruit, family secrets to uncover and many side quests to take on - for starters. The game is framed as narration by one of Hawke's companions, the dwarf Varric, and it's revealed almost immediately that Hawke (who can be male or female) is destined to become the Champion of Kirkwall.īut not right away. "Dragon Age II" begins parallel to "Dragon Age: Origins," with its new hero, Hawke, and his family fleeing the destruction of Lothering early in the first game.īut the story soon jumps past the Blight of Ferelden and the heroes involved in ending it, taking the action to the northern city of Kirkwall in the Free Marches, a former slavery center and now a reluctant haven to Blight refugees from the kingdom of Ferelden.Ĭounter to the kingdom-spanning journey of "Origins," the action of "Dragon Age II" takes place in, under and around the city. SYSTEM: PC, also for Microsoft Xbox 360 and Sony PlayStation 3

Key to the city dragon age origins